Fixes issue where the Orb Recording feature did not function properly.Fixes bug where assigning Ratings for Multis in Trilian & Trilogy libraries did not save properly.Fixes bug where Arpeggiator sequences failed to playback correctly after loading a saved DAW project.Fixes crash related to clicking on patch in browser while MIDI-CC learning is in progress.Fixes crash when files were dropped onto the Splash pane.Fixes crash when non-Omnisphere files were dropped in the Layer pane.Fixes issue where Browser-learns restored from a saved DAW project did not ignore the "Load Current MIDI Assignments With Multi" user preference.Improves alert message wording when user drops a non-share-archive file into plugin GUI.Adds space between part number and param name e.g. Improves parameter names for host automation.Adds a ninth audio output bus, labeled "OUT I" in the Output Assignment menu for each Part on the Mixer page.Adds native support for Apple Silicon M1 Macs.Spectrasonics don't have the ARM native versions out yet, but expect to see a further performance bump when they do.They just released native ARM versions for all of their instruments.